Psychic Surgery is a very powerful form of healing that produces some remarkable results. It is a non-invasive healing practice that works on the etheric/psychic body. Although no pain is involved, patients may feel some gentle physical sensations. Roger will raise his energy and work within an altered state with his team of Spirit Guides.
Psychic Surgeons are gifted healers that have been blessed with the ability to completely melt or remove cysts, tumors, calcium deposits, pus, energy blockages, etc. from the body of the patients.
They can also help with other serious major diseases from the heart, liver, adrenal, thyroid, etc. They are also able to supply you with a massive dose of healing energy that is powerful enough to fight your diseases and boost your immune system. Unlike what has happened in modern medicine, Psychic Surgeons do not specialize in any one disease.
Psychic Surgery works by the Psychic Surgeon connecting to the mind of the patient on the subconscious level, there by conducting the surgery on the Astral Level. They channel their guides during the operation, and it is these powerful spirits that do the work. The spirits simply proceed to tune the body, remove blockages, and then present the unwanted matters or energies at the surface of the body for the Psychic Surgeon to remove.
When the surgery is finished, the body will close, and no unsightly scar will be visible. Patient will be able to get up seconds after the treatment finishes and resume their day. Unfortunately, there are very few Psychic Surgeons in the world who provide such work.